Peaches are drupes or fleshy stone fruits of which there are thousands of varieties. They grow in the Prunus Persica peach tree
Recent archaeological findings show that peach cultivation goes back to 3,000 years ago in China. Having probably taken the Silk Road, the peach went to Persia, where it got its scientific name from Prunus Persica, before reaching the Greeks and Romans. In the Middle Ages, its cultivation spread throughout the European continen

Peach Benefits For Heart Patients
The fiber, vitamin C,vitamin K and iron and potassium in peaches support heart health. Vitamin K prevents blood clotting and provides protection against several heart diseases. Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells or erythrocites
Peach keeps our blood healthy and prevents anemia which occurs due to iron deficiency in the body. Lycopene and lutein present in peaches also lower the risk of heart disease. Peaches also contain potassium, an electrolyte that regulates blood pressure and maintains fluid balance, thus controlling our heart rate and providing protection against stroke​​​​​​​

Peach Prevent Cancer
Peaches are high in antioxidants, particularly chlorogenic acid whcih help prevent the multiplication and spread of cncer cells in the body. Peach also contains another compound called caffeic acid, which offers protection against breast and colon
cancers by reducing the cancer growth

Peach Benefits For Eyes
Peaches are a good source of beta carotene, a compound that is converted to vitamin A in the body and help in maintaining the retina of the eyes. The presence of antioxidant phytonutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin protect the eye from potential damage caused by light striking the retina
Lutein also aids to lower the risk of developing common age-related eye diseases in humans.Lutein and zeaxanthin are also effective in protecting the macula

Peach Detoxifies Body System
Peaches are rich in vitamins A, C, and E and selenium. All of these essentials act as antioxidants and aid detoxification in the body.The high content of potassium and fiber found in peach reduce the risk of stomach ulcers, inflammation and kidney related diseases. Peaches are also instrumental in curing digestive problems like gastritis and colitis
You can make Ginger Peach detox smoothie or peach juice to flush out bad toxins from your kidneys and bladders and also good for digestion​​​​​​​

Peach Fruit Act as Stress Reliever
Peach is called the “Fruit of Calmness” in Hungary. This is because of its ability to relieve stress and anxiety. It helps to restore the calmness of mind. Using peach flowers have proved to be highly beneficial for treating restlessness
Keep Your Teeth Health With Peaches
Peach contains vitamin C, along with iron, which helps reduce lead absorption. It also contains fluoride and small amounts of calcium that help to prevent cavities and other dental issues. So consumption of peaches can help cure bone diseases and several dental problems

Peach Benefits For Weight Loss
Peaches are a good source of fiber, and fiber promotes satiety and contributes to weight loss in a healthy manner. Peaches are also low in calories and fat free which makes them ideal for weight loss. Moreover, they also contain natural sugars which do not raise the blood sugar or insulin levels in the body.

The peach is rich in Vitamin A and potassium, which is beneficial to the eyes. It also has greater amounts of Vitamin B and Vitamin C and numerous minerals essential to our overall health like iron, calcium, phosphorous, carbohydrates and protein
You can start eating peach fruit, since It is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals.Peaches are very beneficial for enhancing the skin tone and complexion because they contain such powerful Vitamins and minerals in such abundant quantities

Principle Nutrient Value/100g Unit
Total Fat0.14g

One cup of diced peachTrusted Source, or 168 g, provides​​​​​​​

Peaches also provide trace amounts of vitamins A, E, and K, as well as magnesium and phosphorus.​​​​​​​

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