Dried Apples Nutrition Facts
Nutrients in Dried Apples
100 grams of Dried Apples contain 0.93 grams of protein, 0.32 grams of fat, 65.89 grams of carbohydrates, and 8.7 grams of fiber.
You have 243 calories from 100 grams of Dried Apples, the 12% of your total daily needs. It contains 0.32 grams of fat and 0 mg of Cholesterol.
Some minerals can be present in Dried Apples, such as Potassium (450 mg), Sodium (87 mg) or Phosphorus (38 mg) but no Fluoride.
It contains some important vitamins: Vitamin C (3.9 mg), Vitamin K (3.0 µg) or Vitamin B-3 (0.92 mg).
An average adult needs 2,000 calories per day, so you may have 243 calories from 100 grams of Dried Apples, the 12% of your total daily needs.
Total Fat
100 grams of Dried Apples contain 0.32 grams of total fat, of which 0.05 gr. are saturated.
0 mg | 0% daily value
The AHA (American Heart Association) recommends limiting your daily cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams. Less than 200 if you are at a high risk of heart disease.
To reduce your risk for heart disease, choose healthy unsaturated fats, such as vegetable oils, fish oil, hummus, avocados, nuts and seeds instead of high-fat meats, shortening, butter and full-fat dairy products.
100 grams of Dried Apples contain 65.89 grams of carbohydrates, the 22% of your total daily needs.
57.19 g
100 grams of Dried Apples contain 57.19 grams of sugars.
Dietary fiber
8.7 g | 35% daily needs
100 grams of Dried Apples contain 8.7 grams of dietary fiber, the 35% of your total daily needs.
100 grams of Dried Apples contain 87 milligrams of Sodium, the 6% of your total daily needs.
100 grams of Dried Apples contain 32% of water, 31.76 grams.
: Others
0.93 g
1.1 g